Inspiring Robot Design Principles for FLL Part 2: Climbing Ramp

A climbing ramp can help a robot move onto a mission model.

There are cases where we would like our robot climb onto a mission model. But, our robot was not able to do it because of lack of clearance. When this happens, we can change our robot design, or we can design a ramp attachment and bring it along with the robot to solve the problem.


Robot Bumps into Mission Model
Robot Bumps into Mission Model
Robot Climb with the Help of a Ramp
Robot Climb with the Help of a Ramp

For the FLL RePLAY Season’s Treadmill Mission, we decided to spin the roller with the Large Motor C. We found out that our robot was not able to move onto the Treadmill Mission model. So, we designed a ramp to help our robot to go onto the Mission model. Our first design was a flat plate. It worked, but bumpy. Our second design had a curved face and our robot can move onto the model smoothly.

The following images show the designs of the ramp for the Treadmill Mission.

Climbing Ramp Attachment Design for the Treadmill Mission
Climbing Ramp Attachment Design for the Treadmill Mission
Climbing Ramp Attachment Design for the Treadmill Mission
Climbing Ramp Attachment Design for the Treadmill Mission

The following video shows how to use a climbing ramp attachment for the Treadmill Mission.