In this post, we will show you how to create a generic EV3 Line Following My Block step-by-step. The flexible My Block allows a robot to smoothly and efficiently follow on the left or right side of a line for some distance. The My Block is a proportional line following program which works well for both straight and curved lines.
In the FLL Robot Game, it is important to move a robot from one point to another consistently. Line following is a very common method. We used the line following method in City Shaper and RePLAY seasons.
Besides Line Following, our post will describe another way of locating our robot through line detection.
What is Line Following
The FLL Robot Game map has strips of white/black/white lines. We can use an EV3 light sensor to read the reflected light of those lines. A calibrated light sensor will read 0 for black line and 100 for white line.
We want to follow the edge where there is about 50% of white and 50% of black.
When following the left edge, a robot should turn left if the light sensor detects black and turn right if the light sensor detects white.
When following the right edge, a robot should turn right if the light sensor detects black and turn left if the light sensor detects white.

Proportional Line Following
Motor Power Adjustment = Kp * ( Light Sensor Reading – Target Light Reflection) = Kp * Error
When follow line on the left side,
Motor B Power = Base Power + Motor Power Adjustment
Motor C Power = Base Power – Motor Power Adjustment
That is, if the color sensor is on the white line, the Error will be bigger than 0. The robot will turn right since Motor B has bigger power than Motor C.
If the color sensor is on the black line, the Error will be smaller than 0. The robot will turn left since Motor C has bigger power than Motor B.
If the color sensor is in the middle, the Error will be 0. The robot will move straight since Motor B and Motor C have the same power.
Similarly, when follow line on the right side,
Motor B Power = Base Power – Motor Power Adjustment
Motor C Power = Base Power + Motor Power Adjustment
We can add side information to calculate the power adjustment:
Motor Power Adjustment = Kp * ( Light Sensor Reading – Target Light Reflection) * Side = Kp * Error * Side
When Side = 1, follow line on the left side. When Side = -1, follow line on the right side.
Where Kp is a constant that helps us tune the motor power adjustment. The bigger Kp is the higher will be the turning when there is an error. If Kp is too big, the robot may overreact.
You will need testing many times to find a suitable Kp for your robot. Start with Kp=0.1 and run your robot. If the robot can’t follow the line then increase Kp. If your robot turns violently on the line, decrease the Kp value.
The following is the Line Following program based on above description. The MyCheckDistance My Block is described in our previous post.
Unregulated Motor Block is used for driving the robot. The Unregulated Motor block does not include automatic motor control, like the normal Medium Motor block and the Large Motor block. This means that no automatic regulation on motor power will be included. The specified Power input is what is used to control the motor.

Creating EV3 Line Following My Block
To make the blocks in the Loop block reusable, we can create a EV3 Line Following My Block. First select those blocks, then select Tools → My Block Builder menu item as shown below.

Now enter the My Block’s name, description, and select an icon.

Add the parameter for the light sensor port.

Add the parameter for TargetReflectionLight.

Add the parameter for the Base Power.

Add the parameter for the distance to follow the line

Add the parameter for the Side of line to follow and click Finish button.

At last, connect all the Parameters. Done!

Using the EV3 Line Following My Block.
The following program uses the Line Following My Block. This My Block will use port 2 Light Sensor to follow the line on the left side for 12 inches with Base Power of 25.

The following program will use port 1 Light Sensor to follow the line on the right side for 21 inches with Base Power of 25.

Note that to have consistent performance. Light sensors should be calibrated before using the Line Following My Block. Our post describes what the light sensor calibration is and how to do it.