Due to the coronavirus pandemic, for the 2020 FLL Challenge RePLAY season, all tournaments will be remote in our region, including the robot design. Since it is online only, judges will not be able to see our robot in person. We have to send pictures of our robot and attachments for them to review. We used to take photos on the robot game table. But our table is a little bit messy. Judges may not easily see our robot and attachment details if our photos are not clean.
There’re many ways to take good quality photos. One of them is to use a light box for photography. A light box won’t create harsh light and dark shadows. By eliminating harsh light and shadows, it is possible to take clean and clear photos.
We learnt from this video on how to make a light box. In the following sections, we will tell you the materials/tools needed and the steps of making one.
Materials & Tools Needed
- 3 Spritz Tissue Paper – White
- 3 Elmer’s 28″ x 20″ Foam Presentation Boards – White
- 1 Poster Paper 52″ x 20″ as Backdrop – White
- Tape (Duct Tape would be better)
- Ruler
- Knife
Steps of Making a Light Box
- Use a Ruler to mark 16.5″ x 24″ rectangle on the foam poster board.
- Use a Knife to cut the marked rectangle out to make a window.
- Tape the Tissue Paper onto the cutout window.
- Repeat step 1&2 to make three windows covered by Tissue Paper.
- Put the three windows together with gaps in between.
- Tape the White Backdrop to the center window.
- Fold the three windows into a cube shape.
