Accurately and consistently positioning the robot is key for successfully completing FLL Robot Game missions. The Wall Dancing strategy is one of the most accurate way to position a robot in the FLL Robot Game.
In this post, we will show you what the Wall Dancing strategy is and how to apply this strategy for the FLL Robot Game.
Robot Wall Dancing Strategy
For the Wall Dancing strategy, the robot zigzags along with a wall until it gets to a mission model on the field. A wall is static and a field mission model is also static. When a robot is aligned with both a wall and mission model, the robot is very well positioned.
At the beginning of Wall Dancing, the robot is squared against the wall. Then the robot will do the following.
1. Move forward
2. Turn robot a little (less than 25 degrees)
3. Move backward to square against the wall
4. Repeat step 1 – 3 until it is aligned against a field mission model

Applying the Wall Dancing Strategy
For FLL 2020 Replay season, we used the Wall Dancing strategy for Row Machine mission. At the start position, our robot is squared against the eastern wall. It wall dances till reaching the Row Machine mission model. When our robot is aligned with the eastern wall and the mission model, it will complete the mission by moving the wheel to the big circle consistently.

The following video will show you how the Wall Dancing strategy works for the FLL RePLAY Row Machine mission.